Sunday, February 12, 2023
Thursday was a rough day because the stove had died. I needed bread, Pan Dulce and toilet paper. The truck has been dead for quite a while. I was tired.
The ranch needs some work. After my brother's death in 2021 more work piled up. My brother was a Wiz as Upkeeper of the rancho.
I care for my 94 year old Mom. She is Priority One.
It was a beautiful cool day with blue skies in the Rio Grande Valley I told my Facebook friends in a post "What else could I want and need??"i typed. A tease of a post. A True Question and i knew the answer. No way I would post it. The majority of my Facebook friends are uptight and happy.
i have wanted to get married since the 3rd Grade when I fell madly in love with my 3rd Grade teacher. Mrs, Wallace was blue-eyed. Her eyes were bluer than the sky and ocean combined. Her blonde hair was golden and glowed in the sun. Her smile outshined that little red ball in the heavens. . Her voice and laughter were intoxicating. I was certain that angels would serenade her at night and in the early morning.
Imagine a little Mexican-American kid wearing glasses paying close
attention to the teacher. "Pongale atencion a la maestra" Dad would tell me and my siblings.
I learned 2 things in the 3rd Grade. ONE: Mrs, Wallace was the Most Beautiful Woman Of All Time, GOD had outdone HIMSELF. TWO: One day I wanted to get married.
I came close to marriage in 1997, Julie was a 2hd Grade substitute teacher. Blue eyes. Blonde hair.(I've dated brunettes and redheads too)
She had someone else. On a September afternoon at 4:55 pm she called
at work to tell me why she no longer wanted to marry me.
Back To 2023! I ordered the items via Instacart. I kept an eye on my tablet, phone and time, I made note of the estimated time of arrival.
Sonetimes the delivery person needs directions. I went outside with my tablet and phone intending to text via the app that if need be ask for directions, The apps that they use are worthless.
Before i could go around the house the phone rang with a 650 area code, The warm gentle voice identified herself as Viviane. She needed directions. She was not a local. I gave her a point to go to. From there I would guide her in. She called me back and as we spoke I saw a Caracara flying up high in the cool beautiful blue sky.
She went one road past, Sometimes vandals take the sign down. I should be easy to spot, I'm the only guy in a lime green shirt on the left side of the road.
She arrived and handed over the items. I thanked her and told her to be careful because people drive like nuts,
I walked away. As I was approaching the kitchen door I said "O, Viviane
you're so beautiful." i placed the groceries down realizing i had not hung up the phone. What if her phone was still on and she heard what I said? Probably Not. I watched her leave from afar.
I went about putting the stuff up. I still had to order pizza for dinner.
Five minutes had passed then the phone registered the 650 area code, It was VIVIANE. She apologized for she had made a mistake and called me.
I meant to say "It's okay we all make mistakes" but it came out "No, it wasn't a mistake, Be careful out there." "Thanks goodbye " she said. Goodbye I replied.
FUN FACT: Her named is spelled VIVIANE not Vivian. Even that is Wonderful.
If that was a was a Beautiful Mistake.
My phone is old, I haven't upgraded. It didn't record her number.
Someone as beautiful as her can't be single. She's way out of my league. Not even a pen on me.
For a sweet short eternity i was that 3rd Grader again.
Love is the only thing worth living and dying for.
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"Soulsucker" by HUCK 2 into the flow of Real Rock and Roll! Take it up a notch!