Friday, May 13, 2022


My father used to say that there are only Two Types Of Music. There is good music and bad bad music. 'Fijate en la letra." Look at the lyrics. "La pluma te dice si es aguila or gallina." The feather will tell you if it is an eagle or a chicken. Aguila in the case of THE WARNING. Tienen Pluma de Oro. A Golden Pen. A Golden Feather. Extraordinary Songwriting! Pick A Song! 'When I'm Alone" is Beautiful! Being Texan the musical DNA includes Country. The Lone Star State has a diverse musical heritage. I an see soneone doong a country version. The guitar has a strand that whispers country. That's my opinion. Being Texan I would choose Two True Texan Talents To Tackle The Task! Each would do their version. I would choose LYLE LOVETT and KELLY CLARKSON! THE WARNING, YA'LL CAN WRITE! ROCK ON!


Saturday is humid with a gentle breeze coming in now and then. ABBA MONTH is coming up on the halfway point! WE give the song Gargantuan ...